When your kid shows an affinity for a chore, you latch on to that excitement with all your might.

Zacharie loves to vacuum. He. Loves. It.

So when Dyson offered to send us the new Dyson V8 Absolute, Zacharie was as eager to open the box as if it had been a huge box of LEGO or Nerf blasters. He was geeked.

For the past month, Z has been sucking up a storm around the house cleaning our cars, the stairs, the floors, the carpets, all the things. The Dyson V8 Absolute isn’t a toy, but it’s light enough, portable enough, and easy enough to use that a 9 yr old can tackle all the vacuuming chores in the house without being asked.

I’ll be honest, I didn’t bother reading the instructions on the Dyson V8 Absolute, I let Zacharie have a crack at it all on his own. Everything in his video review, he solved by himself. When your kid falls in love with vacuuming, you don’t interfere.


The first thing I love about it is how easy it is to store. We have ours hanging in the garage, right next to an outlet. Either of our boys can easily click it out, get their cleaning chores done, and click it back in, all on their own. The attachments we use the most can hang off the unit, and they click in and click out very easily.


You know a Dyson is going to have powerful suction, and this machine doesn’t disappoint getting even the tiniest of pollutants and allergens. Its soft roller cleaner head removes large debris and fine dust simultaneously, while whole machine HEPA filtration captures allergens and expels cleaner air than the air you breathe.


At less than 6 pounds, the Dyson V8 Absolute is easily handled in one hand. The weight is nicely balanced in the unit and is easy to maneuver with the lightweight stick attached, or a shorter attachment for stairs, or curtains, or tight corners. As you can see in the video, Zacharie handles it easily, and our 7 yr old Charlie can make his way with the machine just as easily.


The biggest improvement in the new V8 model over the V6 is battery life. You’re going to get up to 40 minutes of cleaning time. We use our model for quick after dinner cleanups, and other routine cleaning throughout the week. We always have it charging in the garage, so it always has power when we need it.

This post is sponsored by Dyson

Buy Dyson V8 Absolute
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