Why are kids still learning cursive in school? With touch tablets, voice apps, keyboards, and dictation, isn’t cursive dead? I asked a teacher.
Posts tagged teachers
What Teachers Wish Parents Knew
Your kids’ teachers care just as much about your kids as you do. As much as is possible. Here’s a list of what teachers wish parents knew. It’s an eyeopener.
Zacharie, The Poet
My kid is quite the poet. After seeing pictures of our Bermuda vacation, he dropped some wisdom on his teacher that just needs to be shared.
The Case For Tipping Teachers At Christmas
Who do you tip at Christmas? Everyone, it seems. But there is particular angst over tipping teachers at Christmas. Why? Giving a Christmas gift to teachers isn’t a decision you should struggle with, it should be a no brainer.
A New Perspective On Report Cards
It’s time to take a new perspective on report cards. Don’t focus on the grades. Ignore the numbers. Look at the comments. A percentage can’t measure effort, but words can. If you want to know how your kids are really doing in school, talk to the teacher.
Now That We Know About THAT Child, Can We Talk About THAT Teacher?
Amy Murray has struck a nerve with her essay about THAT child, the kids who need special attention in class. But what about THAT teacher? The one who can’t cope?
Why School Sharing Nights Are Better Than Report Cards
There is much debate in Calgary about how report cards will be changed for kids in school. I don’t need report cards to know how my kids are doing in school. Our recent sharing night showed me all I need to know.
What does it take to look after our kids all day? Read this thank you letter to teachers and get a reminder of the appreciation we should have.
My Kid’s Kindergarten Teacher Reads My Blogs
I’d like to thank Mme Amy right about now.
Christmas Gifts For Teachers?
The email from the parent-teacher liaison in my son’s kindergarten class has arrived. The semi-annual request for donations to buy gift cards for the teacher. How do you treat this request? Toss $10 or $15…