A decade after my grandmother passed away, we found a notebook she’d been keeping while in hospital. Her words are absolutely the perfect way to describe a grandmother’s love.
Posts tagged mother’s day
Show Your Heart For Maternal Health
This Mother’s Day, show your heart for maternal health.
Mother’s Day Gift Guide For Fitness, Foodies, and Fashionistas
No matter what the mom in your life is into, this Mother’s Day gift guide has her me time or hobby covered.
When Father And Sons Become Merry Maids
It’s not that I don’t like cleaning, I’m bad at it. So, for Mother’s Day, I teamed up with Merry Maids to get some lessons, and get it done right.
What It Really Means If You’re A Parent Who Worries
I’m a parent who worries. Or wonders. I think about my kids and their wellbeing all the time. Some might say worry brings stress, I’d say it brings out the good. If you’re a parent thinking about your kids’ future, you’re #DoinGood
Calgary Herald Neighbours: Happy Mother’s Day
My latest column for the Calgary Herald Neighbours edition is a salute to Moms for Mother’s Day. They do a lot and deserve a Hallmark Holiday
The Simplest, Easiest, Most Meaningful, Best Mother’s Day Gift Of All Time
The Mother’s Day Journal is the easiest, simplest, most meaningful, and best Mother’s Day gift of all time. How do I know? My wife told me. Here’s how to make yours:
A Grand Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day will always be a Grand Mother’s Day for me. It’s the anniversary of the day my Nan passed away. A more fitting day for a more wonderful woman I couldn’t imagine.
I’m Not Worthy
[twitter]Mother’s Day is another one of those holidays where men must genuflect before the important women in their life and apologize. Just as with Valentine’s Day, the impetus of Mother’s Day lies on the man…
Are You Dad Enough?
[twitter]Time Magazine has dipped a toe into the Mommy Wars this week with their latest cover. Actually, scratch that, they dove full cannonball into the pool to make the largest splash possible. It’s classic link…
Buy Your Wife A Vacuum And Win
[twitter]Moms like appliances and flowers. Dads like barbecues and tools. Those are the stereotypical messages marketers will blast at us for the months of May and June. They’re based on old-school gender roles that say…