Being a dad is no easy feat, especially if you’re constantly on the go. Getting quality childcare can be a hassle too, especially a good one who can take care of your little ones.
Posts tagged Fatherhood
How Dads Can Up Their Style Game
So, how can you up your style game and set the right example for your sons? We tell you everything you need to know in this guide.
4 Ways to Get Ready for Your Baby’s Arrival
Preparing for your baby’s arrival can be a weird time; there’s excitement and joy, nervousness and anticipation, and lots of questions.
15 Ways for Men to Reduce Stress
Stress is not good for your health and wellbeing, and unfortunately, our lives are often very stressful. If you are looking for ways men can reduce stress, then here are a few simple techniques you can try out.
Do Men Like Flowers? Here’s How To Make Him Feel Special
Ask a group of people to list special gifts a man will appreciate and the probability that anyone will include flowers is very low. You can’t blame them, flowers have traditionally been giving to women to mark special occasions and as gifts.
8 Parenting Lessons From Barack Obama
Barack Obama is an optimist and he brought that Yes We Can attitude to his parenting. Here are some parenting lessons I took from a Conversation with Barack Obama
How Avicii Helped Me Rediscover What Being A Dad Blogger Is Really About
I’ve had a bit of an epiphany about what my role as a dad blogger is really about. After a few years of getting caught up in sponsored posts, I’m rediscovering the joy of saving and sharing my stories.
Everything Your Kids Need To Know About Life In One Poem
Be the nice kid is some advice from author Bryan Skavnak. He wrote it for his golf book, but be the nice kid is advice for us all.
Canadian Dads On Instagram You Need To Start Following
Here are some of the best Canadian dad bloggers and Canadian dads on Instagram. The world is more than just instahusbands, these guys are creating their own great work!
The Tinman
That feeling when your kid’s Grade 3 creative writing project feels like an episode of Westworld or Black Mirror. The Tinman from Charlie has me beaming.
Everyday Fitness: Burning Calories Without Even Knowing
Even if you are a full-time dad, it may be hard for you to find the time to keep your body in a good shape. And if you are a working dad, especially one with a busy schedule, the time you can spend with yourself can be even shorter. Here’s how to mix in some everyday fitness.
Be A Superhero Dad
The biggest thing a dad wants to be to his kids is their superhero. We give so much, we just want to have a little of that superherodad love in return.
Dads Talking To Kids While Shaving Episode 3: Zacharie
Thanks to Philips OneBlade for inspiring me to spend some one-on-one time with the males in my life talking, and shaving.
Unconditional Love Means I Let My Son Steal My Toothbrush
The Oral-B Genius 8000 is a smart toothbrush worth stealing from your partner. Or, in the case of my son, stealing from his dad.
Kids. They Bring You Beer.
The reason we have kids is to do things for us. Like bring us beer.
The Conversation You Need To Have With Your Dad This Father’s Day
This Father’s Day, the greatest gift you can give your dad, and the dads in your life, is a simple conversation.