Cottonelle Let's Talk Bums
[twitter]Let’s Talk Bums.

You might have seen the hashtag #letstalkbums floating across your various social streams this past month. Dads were leaning in and writing Haikus as part of a promotion from Cottonelle.

Cottonelle Let's Talk Bums Yes, they were wiping poetic, as it were. Cottonelle has stepped up as a sponsor the Dad 2.014 Summit in New Orleans, and I’m thrilled to be sitting on a panel. However, if you find yourself sitting on a toilet, you’ll want to know what the fuss over these wipes is all about.

The Cottonelle Care Routine has been created where we now are being told to wipe twice, not once. First up your usual Cottonelle toilet paper routine to be followed up with Cottonelle Fresh Care Flushable Cleansing Cloths.

Cherry Healey, the spokesperson for this campaign calls it “the dream team.”

But here’s the rub, as it were – these flushable wipes are being blamed for sewer clog ups across the country.

Eric Bruner of Kimberly-Clark begs to differ, saying his company — maker of the popular Cottonelle wipes — works closely with the industry. “Kimberly-Clark is committed to working with the waste-water community to ensure that sewage systems work properly and to educate consumers about what is safe to flush and what isn’t,” he said in an interview from the company’s headquarters in Dallas. “But if we label something safe to flush, we stand by that. We put these products through a litany of industry tests. … I certainly know our products perform well in lab tests and field tests to ensure flushability.” via CTV

What’s your bum routine? Don’t be afraid to talk about it, and perhaps even throw up a haiku or two! You can click here for a $2 coupon on Cottonelle.


Thanks to Cottonelle for supporting Team Diabetes and sponsoring this post.

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