[twitter]When I bought this dad-camp.com domain on August 6, 2009, I did it half-thinking I could start a new career. I had just lost my job, and I was lost.

I saw how a few mom bloggers (Dooce) had turned telling stories about their kids into careers, and so I decided to take a stab at it as well. I’d been writing online on various platforms and sites already for more than a decade at the time – maybe I could blog for a living?

The site started out as a way for me to network and meet other Dads who shared social media stories about their kids in Vancouver. I quickly met a handful of guys and still keep tabs with them on social.

Once I realized I wasn’t alone in this daddy blogging community, I put away the thoughts of a second career and focussed on using this site as a way to keep the memories of my sons. A real time scrapbook, a digital diary – a blog! 🙂

In the past 75 months since I started this crazy daddy blogging journey, I’ve shared with you 1000 times stories of my life. I’ve shared my thoughts on parenting, my achievements unlocked, my struggles, but mostly I’ve shared my family.


Along the way I’ve met some incredible men, I’ve become infamous, my kids have had wonderful experiences, and I’ve managed to flip this space into a place to raise money for Team Diabetes Canada.

I don’t know how long this dad blogging gig will go on for. I will be a parent for the rest of my life, and I realize that telling the stories of my kids has a shelf life – for them. I’ve watched other dads in the community pivot and bring their children on board as writers. I’d love that. I’d love to see this digital diary become a family one. Who knows?

For the 1000th time on this site I’m about to hit ‘publish.’ While DadCAMP never became the career I thought it might, it became something much much more.

Thanks to Zacharie and Jennifer and Charlie for letting me share your stories. Thanks to JP for help with the logo. Thanks to Anthony and Steve for coming out to those early DadCAMPs. Thanks to Oren for creating a community so crazy it just might work. Thanks to Sophie for the first interview promoting DadCAMP when it was still just an idea. Thanks to you for reading.

My Family

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