Sometimes advertising can be annoying the way it generalizes and stereotypes.
Specifically the ads that always seem to have dads as mindless meatheads who mean well but can never seem to get anything right when it comes to their family.
Mom is the superhero, dad is the bumbling sidekick.
There are, however, some ads that nail the notion of playing up our do gooding nature and sometimes ineffectiveness.
Take the latest series of Huggies ads. They’re real and honest slices of life that perfectly define what it’s like to be a dad.
Hilarious because it’s true.
Oh – an aside .. some might say the solution to the firehose is to buy a peepee teepee for your son. I’m including that on the “things people tell you need to buy when you’re having a baby but don’t really need” list that I will post soon.
Fellow DadCAMPer, Akash, is a fan of this one:
We love them because they’re true. They are honest slices of life that every dad can relate to. THAT’S what it’s like being a dad.
Thanks Huggies for showing Dads as real, caring and active parents instead of bumbling fools.
No disclosure needed for posting these ads, we’re Pampers people – have tried out Huggies, but they just didnt work well for our boys.
Image: Dad finishes a diaper change by Ajoch on Flickr
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