Surprise Lunch Date Escape From School

[twitter]It happened twice, maybe three times in my school career. My parents would randomly show up and take me out for lunch, or pull me from school early.

Today, I played that magic card for Zacharie. I showed up at the office a few minutes before his lunch bell rang, I signed him out and we took off for a sushi lunch date. Instead of his bag lunch and running around on a sloshy, wet playground, we headed off to a real restaurant.

Zacharie Sushi Lunch

We took off our shoes, sat inside the tatami and I just marveled at how much he has grown the past year. I didn’t know what sushi was until I was an adult, really, and here was my 7 yr old son deftly digging in to his kappa maki with chopsticks. Kids are amazing.

Zacharie and chopsticks

We talked about our camping plans for the weekend. We talked about how the school year has gone. More importantly we both spent time, in the middle of the day, away from our respective offices. It was a brief 45 minute surprise escape. And it was wonderful.

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